Saturday, June 8, 2013

Four more!!!!

These four babies hatched yesterday!
I could sit and watch them all day. Cute, little, tiny, fluffy butts ☺

Off topic but I guess I jinxed BB by posting a picture of him. He's been hanging around our yard for months and since the day I posted the pic we haven't seen him at all. Maybe he choked on my sunflowers :/


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Beth! If you lived closer I would give them to you ;)

  2. Cute little ones...maybe BB heard a few of us say he/she would be dinner and is now afraid you might just take our advice and he went into hiding! LOL

    1. Thanks! They are really cute but I really don't need anymore ☺
      I think your right about BB he ran for the hills LOL!!!

  3. What's the total count up to? Aren't the fried eggs the best!?

    1. I honestly have no idea how many I have now,I'm thinking around 50 give or take a few LOL!!!
      The hubs likes fried eggs. I just scramble, hard boil, pickle and bake with them ☺

  4. We have seen wild bunnies hanging around our driveway area, maybe bb has found a wild bunny friend. They seem to take great pleasure running in front of the car at the last second, must be a bunny thing.
