Sunday, November 24, 2013

Due April 23rd

I'm almost 100% positive that I just witnessed the impregnation of Mrs. Lady ☺
Even on this cold Winter day I am imagining Spring and goat kids, oh I can't wait!!!!!
I told you I would have a due date this time around!!!!!!


  1. Yay!....14 of my does were bred last month. Can you imagine what my March is going to be like?...I think Miss Piggy and Kermit did the deed a couple of weeks ago so if she's in the piggy way we will have piggies in February. We need to hurry with our new barn!

    1. PS...I am writing April 23 on my calender for Kelly's babies!

    2. I can't imagine that many goat babies! I would love to be at your house in March!
      Piglets too! You will live in that barn lol!
      I won't be sooo annoying this year. I swear I went a little cuckoo waiting on that baby!
      I thought she was in heat a few days ago and the hubs who spends very little time with them commented that she normally hollers more. When I put them together the other day she wanted nothing to do with him. Today she was hollering and the hubs said she was standing by the fence so I looked under her tail and then put them together. I got to see for the first time what standing heat is and the whole shebang. It was awesome!!!!

  2. A goat in standing heat is a GREAT thing. Nothing like trying to "convince" a doe to get her funk on.

    1. I didn't see the act last year as most of you know. I thought she was about to birth when she was in heat, duh! It seems I didn't really know a lot about goats lol!
      This was a great learning experience!!!

  3. Not to sound perverted but we enjoy watching the barnyard sex!...bahahaha

    1. I know, sometimes I'm like "did I really need to see that" LOL!

  4. Replies
    1. I've only had one baby but he was a doll face and I loved cuddling him. I'm hoping for a girl this year so I can keep her ☺
