Friday, February 7, 2014

2 Years!!!!

I've been blogging for two years today! I admit I haven't done a good job lately. I blame old man Winter. He's keeping me busier than normal caring for the critters. I remember the day I got my blog. The hubs came home from work and I was so proud of myself I couldn't quit talking about it. It's amazing that back then I had five raised beds and as many chickens. Now I have several gardens and a whole lot of chickens, goats, rabbits, and guinea pigs. Speaking of guinea pigs. I have three new additions :) My girl had three babies Sunday

The hubs thinks I'm obsessed with them. I might be, just a little ;) Today is also the halfway mark for Ms. Lady's (my goat) pregnancy. 75 more days :) :) :) My rabbit that was expecting had five babies about 10 days ago. They are all five doing great. It's amazing how warm they are in the nest even with -5* windchills outside. I have one more doe to kindle in less than two weeks and then I will have a break from rabbit birthin'. I'm getting two dozen hatching eggs tomorrow, as if I need anymore chickens!!!!! I'm excited to get different breeds in the yard :) We butchered two roosters last Friday and had both of them for Sunday dinner. It had been awhile since we processed a whole bird, we normally skin them and leave the innards in tact so I was a little rusty on the first one. The second one went beautifully. I still have a couple roosters to process and I'm actually looking forward to it which is WEIRD! I love knowing how to process my own food! I have a broody Cochin sitting on who knows how many eggs. I will probably sell those for a dollar each when they hatch. I'm wanting to thin the banty herd down. They reproduce like rabbits and have taken over!!! I still have brusell sprouts in the garden. They may not have survived this last bit of cold. I felt like an idiot covering them up with snow on the ground. My Fall garden this year was a total bust. What the chickens didn't eat the weather killed :/ Next year I'm going to put it in a little earlier. Well that's what's going on around here. Enjoy the weekend ya'll!!!!


  1. Congratulations...ah, they grow so fast.

    1. Thanks Stephen! Yes they are five days old and wild :)

  2. When you lay it all out, look at all you've done in the past two years! And it could never have been done without you being at home to engineer everything. (And do ALL the work involved!) I do so wish society would give credit to the woman (or man!) who stays home and is the glue that holds family, household and homestead together!

    1. Amen Mama! People don't understand what it takes to run a small farm. My job is to care for my family and animals 365 days a year no matter what and of course some days throw us curve balls and it's a lot of work. Luckily the pride I get for doing all this makes me not need/want society's kudos :) I just wish I had a clone so I could craft all day and the other Kelly could scoop poop and feed everyone ;)

  3. MORE Chickens? :) Who could resist! What types are you hoping to hatch out?

    1. Black copper Marans, Orpingtons, and Americauna/BCM mix (olive eggers). Starting up the incubator in a bit. I think it's been a year since I've hatched chicks in the house. I'm excited :)

  4. Kelly,

    Congrats on all the little babies animals! You have your hands full :-)
    It's funny how time flies, and when we sit down and look at how much was accomplished in those two years. How's your husbands leg going?

    1. Thanks Sandy! He's been walking around without crutches. The only problem is the swelling. His foot and ankle get huge but he should be back to work next week :)

  5. Love! How fun, it's so nice to be able to share in the blessings of your life! Hope Hubby is doing well. Enjoy all those babies! I really want guinea pigs someday, but I have an aging house dog so no more "pets" while he is still with us.

    1. Thank you :) The hubs is on the mend and should be back to work by next week :)

  6. HAPPY BLOG-A-VERSARY !!!! the babies are so cute, and look so snuggly. I know with all you got going on, how busy and how fast your day just flies by. ..But pat yourself on the back, you have and still are doing such and awesome job,

  7. I want to butcher one rooster, but the family is not as excited about it. I could try to do it when they are all in school (I have never butchered my own chickens, so I need an experienced person to teach me too).

    1. Taking the guts out is the part that stresses me. I did awesome on my second bird everything came out in one scoop :) You Tube is helpful :)

  8. Congrats on the two year anniversary, I always enjoy reading your post. Hope that your hubby is making good progress.

    1. Thanks K! He should be released to go back to work Thursday :)
