Wednesday, September 26, 2012


This morning we had wonderful thunderstorms, good for the garden rain and no drama in the yard  WRONG!!!! As soon as the rain let up I went to check on everyone outside. All chickens were in the coop except one, the door was open so I was worried something had ran in and taken her during the storm.  There is alot of feathers on the ground but on further inspection they are Miss Winnies, she is molting.. I have searched my ding dang yard for hours hunting for the tell tale pile of feathers. I'm to the point now that I don't think something took her. Am I crazy? I think that girl is off building a nest somewhere. She is a buff orpington, I'm not sure if they tend to go broody or not, but she has always made a gremlin noise at me since she started laying eggs just like Squirty did. Last night we even laughed at how much she sounded like Squirty just standing in the coop growling at me. So back to it, am I nuts to think she's alive and sitting somewhere and we will hopefully see her in 3 weeks? Either way the hubs has had it and all chickens will be confined from this day forward!


  1. Although I like seeing the chickens free ranging (and eating all that FREE grass/seeds/bugs), I really wish we could get a large chicken enclosure so I don't have to always worry about who made it through the day and who became a coyote/bobcat/hawk dinner. Hopefully Miss Winnies will be back soon.

    1. We are going to pen them up for sure now! Losing a chicken a week for the last three weeks is ridiculous!!!!

  2. I hope you find your chicken soon. I know it is worrying you.

  3. I had buff orphington hens and eventually lost all of them because they would go off 100 yards at times to set a nest in the weeds. Nothing would stop them, they were on a mission of self destruction. I really liked them as they were good hens. Now they are all enclosed but the buffies are gone as we called them.

    1. So they do sit out of the coop on nests! It boggles our minds that she is just gone. We decided today that it could have been a bird of prey that took her away since there was no signs. I kept the chickens cooped up until this afternoon and about 45 min. out a hawk swooped I was outside all evening so I was able to scare it off! I think we have come up with a great plan for future chicken safety though, new coop and fence in just the front yard ☺
