Wednesday, April 10, 2013


With school coming to an end we are busier than ever. Volleyball games, cheer clinics, and programs are keeping this girl very busy. Back on the homestead my rabbit had one baby yesterday :) I need to check on them since the weather went from 80 degrees and sunny to 34 degrees and raining this morning. My goat is still pregnant, looking at her now I can't believe I ever thought she was close to delivery before (face palm)  DUH!!! I'm new at this goat stuff and it's all a learning experience. My newest challenge is to battle the mosquitoes and flies. They are driving the goats CRAZY! The chickens got a new pen. My neighbor is about to plant his garden and without proper fences you can only imagine what my feathered friends would do. With them penned up the last two days I have worried less about stray dogs, foxes, coyotes, and them being somewhere they aren't supposed to be. The hawks still worry me but they are pretty good at taking cover and my roosters are good at their sky watching job. A few weeks ago I sold 20 of the new baby chicks for $1 a piece. I have 20 more that are selling today and 15 eggs still in the incubator. The broodys all snapped out of it the day I found two babies in the yard with no mamma hen and one that had been trampled to death on the platform where there food was. I took all the eggs and babies and cleaned the nests up and they were over it. There was just too many mammas in the nests for them to care for the babies I think there was seven hens in three nests, and visitors all day long to eat up the food it was ridiculous! I did end up with six silver Cochins that look like my Ms. Squirty so I'm happy about that! I harvested more asparagus for dinner last night, too yummy! My green onions are ready and with this rain my lettuce and carrots are growing really well. We have about another week until its safe to plant the big garden. Enjoy the day ya'll and if anyone has a good mosquitoe/fly repellent recipe for goats I'm all ears ☺


  1. Golly gosh, you sound like the proverbial cat on a hot tin roof! There's never a lack of places to put your time on a homestead, is there? But it's the best kind of life ever so as we all go in to (or are close to going in to) this busy, busy time of year, we have to remember to pace ourselves and . . . take time to breathe!!

  2. Wow Kelly..You are as busy as I am. I am up to my eyeballs in Turkey eggs (some are hatching today) Both incubators are full and I have two turkey hens sitting! I sold 6 babies last week and another lady called who is a hog farmer so we are bartering. I am going to get me two pigs and she is going to get her some turkeys! On top of this it is swarm season for the bees and the Marine has a doctors appointment tomorrow. I need a break and the swimming pool is not even clean!

  3. Guess you are busy. Not looking forward to the bug season here. But they are calling for some more snow in my area...fantastic. (insert sarcasm)
    Can't wait to see pics of your goats!

  4. I started using the fly predators last year that Jeffers Livestock batch kept the fly population down all year. Listerine in a spray bottle repels flies and mosquitoes both; it's what I use in the evenings in the milking barn.
