Thursday, April 11, 2013

Goat ?

Last night my pregnant doe had what looked like stomach cramps. She would hunch her body up and squat and push really hard which would cause her to toot. She did this about three times in a row but then stopped. I've seen my buck do this a few times but his was from man business. Fiasco Farms website said that female goats can get "girl boners" too but I have never seen her do that before (hormones maybe?). They stayed in the barn for almost two straight days because of the rain. I'm assuming she ate more hay than usual from boredom, but the feed hasn't changed. Any thoughts on what I should look for or be concerned about?
Also I've noticed her licking metal objects alot lately. I give my goats a free choice mineral supplement should I include a salt block of some sort? I've read that the block will keep them from consuming the free choice minerals and that wouldn't be good but I feel like she's lacking something. What kind of minerals do you guys offer your goats?


  1. My older doe does the hunchy back thing when it's the day of her kidding, but it may also be her trying to expel gas? I give the goats a Goat-Lix tub, baking soda & copper bolus twice a year and a sprinkle of two of a selenium powder something-or-other (forgot what it's called even though I look right at it every day in the barn) about once a week.

  2. My girls do this a day or two before kidding. I think it helps to move the kids into birthing position. When she starts pawing and nesting the time is near.

    We use a block with everything for goats including a lot of selenium as our land is very deficient.

    Good Luck!...I'll be watching for pictures.

    1. Forgot to say they start to yawn a lot...Don't know what that is all about. A couple of my does will wrap their mouth around a piece of the fence and go back and forth like they are scratching their gums.

    2. She has been yawning alot for weeks. This girl is driving me nuts! Next year there will be no casual whenever ya'll feel like it love. It will be set up and the date written down LOL!!!
      I think I found a block at the feed store that has what they need. Thanks for all your advise. I appreciate it alot ☺

  3. Some of mine do the fence thing too. I also give copper twice a year and Se +E gel. Speaking of which, Scilla is past due for hers.

    I sure hope this means she will kid soon!

  4. Nothing from my does yet. How is your girl doing?

    1. Just posted pics of her backside. I'm still checking on her 2000 times a day :/ I'm ready to be put out of my misery!!! Maybe our girls will go about the same time ☺
