Thursday, May 16, 2013

From the garden

I also made a strawberry pie from my first strawberry harvest. It didn't last long enough for a pic LOL!!! Don't you just love growing your own food ☺


  1. yummy! I love knowing exactly what is in my food. I have even found a feed company about 30 miles away who will mix grain exactly as I want it with no medications or growth hormones...My piggies love goats love it and I love it and the price is no different than the garbage I have been buying from a local feed company.

    1. I wish I could grow everything we ate! Your grain find sounds excellent! Theres no telling what in the feed I give my poor critters. A few weeks ago my husband picked up a bag of scratch from a different feed store, it had some funky white dust in it. Lord only knows what it was. I was sure glad when that bag was gone!

  2. Kelly,

    I love being able to grow our vegetables and some fruit. Oh I sure understand about the strawberries, every time a family member goes past the strawberry plants they grab a handful of berries and eat them while working outside. If this keeps up, I won't have any to make jam, dehydrate, and freeze.

    1. I know what you mean between my little one "helping" me harvest them and the bugs getting about 1/3 of the crop. I'm lucky to get whatever I can ☺

  3. How great!!! Looks delicious! Can't wait for mine to catch up now that the weather is doing better. How many strawberry plants did you have in order to get a pie out of them this year?

    1. I think I have almost 30. I planted alot last year but the chickens destroyed half of them so I planted about 18 more this year. Its last years plants that are really putting out the strawberries ☺

  4. I do love going to the garden around supper time and looking to see what I can bring to the table from it. Fresh home grown is great. The kiddos seem to like it better b/c we have grown it ourselves.
    Not too bad to grab a jar of something home grown from the cupboard in January either!
