Sunday, May 19, 2013

I hate

tornado season in Oklahoma! Everyone in the path of this storm take care! This is crazy scary!!!!

Did I mention I live in a modular home and we haven't got a cellar yet, We'll be in the ditch if one hits :/


  1. I'm right there with your feelings about tornadoes. That's one of the reasons we left Illinois many years ago. One leveled every single thing (houses, barns, animals, equipment, etc.) directly across the road from us (we were so fortunate to be spared!) once. What a horrible feeling. Stay safe!

    1. Thanks Mama Pea ☺ It is scary. I can't imagine seeing what you saw. You were lucky!

  2. Do take care and cover, if needed!

    1. Thanks Michelle, hopefully we will get a storm cellar this winter when they are less expensive ☺

  3. The city and Shawnee got hit hard! Hope you are okay.

    1. My husbands family is from that area. We watched it on tv :/ But we are fine, I guess it went around us ☺

  4. Kelly,

    I hate tornado season 100 percent of the time. The tornado that hit Shawnee was the one that came on top of us. It built up strength and grew in size and was down right nasty. We don't have a storm shelter either, we either hunker down in the hallway or closet. But if it's big, we bug out. Today we grabbed what we have ready and the animals, our son and bugged out. We were worried the house was gone. I'm praying for everyone affected by this bad storms. Please be safe!

  5. Where have I been? I get online to see my blogging buddies & it seems as if tornadoes are everywhere!

    Glad you are safe & sound! Do you have your Bug out Bags ready??

    Like Mama Pea, we use to live in Illinois and I hate, hate, HATED tornado season...the storms, the green sky. I thought I moved to a less tornado prone area, but we actually have (what seems like to paranoid me) tons of tornado warnings & even had one rip through four years ago the town just east of us.

    Freaky scary. Again, glad you're safe.

  6. Yikes! I hope it goes around you. Stay safe!
