Thursday, February 14, 2013


Hey guys I have a Facebook page! If you've read my blog for very long you know how techno-challenged I am, so this is a big deal LOL!!! I'm still having issue figuring out how to facelift stuff and put it on my page correctly but whatever, I will eventually figure it out ☺ So please look up Happy Hollow Homestead on FB and feel free to push the LIKE button! I promise not to clog up your newsfeed everyday! Happy Valentines Day Y'all!!!!!


  1. I hope you are still going to blog here as well...I do not do facebook and I will miss reading about all your chicken adventures...LOL

    1. I'm not giving up my blog. I was actually going to put my posts on the page for the people on my friends list to see it. We'll see how it works out, it's taking alot of my time right now, and as you know time is precious on the homestead!!!!

  2. I have a facebook account too but I am not a fan of it. Just don't get all caught up in the silly games on there.
    Please don't give up your blog.

    1. I'm not giving up my blog, the page is more for the people on my friends list who don't follow my blog! I don't play games on there anymore. I used to play Farmville, but now I live it LOL!!!!

  3. Hubby and I use facebook only to check on our kids living out of state.

    1. If you can figure it out, I understand you can link blogger and facebook.

    2. I might not do much with the page :/ I'm soo busy as it is. For now I'm going to share cute things I see on FB and my blog posts on it. Most of my FB friends don't follow my blog so at least they can see it if I do that.
      And LOL on me figuring out how to link my FB to blogger!
