Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Tis' the season!

Heres what I have been up to......

Digging a new big garden bed :)
Killed my tomatoe seed starts :(
Bought new heirloom tomatoe plants tonight :)
Only one of my hens is laying :(
Meat birds have been moved to the chicken tractor outside :)
Listening to the Hunger Games book on playaway while doing chores :)
Got three new baby chicks :)
Building an outdoor hutch for my stinky rabbits :)
I ordered a couple Foxfire books (new favorite read) :)
Still haven't caught the fox :(
Spending my afternoons outside watching my 15 chickens while practicing my dulcimer :)
Foraged for dandelions and bonded with MIL :)
Wanted to make wine in a "stone crock" like the old timers, so threw out the weeds :(
MIL brought me a 2 gallon stone crock, so wine making is back on the horizon :)
Was invited to a homesteading gathering at my library :)
Am really sunburned from nine hours of digging up my new garden  :(
Lettuce, carrots, onions, and potatoes are growing right now :)
Pea shoots, radishes, more carrots and more lettuce are sprouting :)

I think that's it! This time of year is so busy! Hope everyone is getting there gardens ready and enjoying spring and all of it's beauty!

1 comment:

  1. sounds like your busy. such is life on a farm in the spring time! can't wait to see the pics of your garden and such! keep up the good work.
