Sunday, March 3, 2013


I haven't posted in awhile.....The last hatch of chickens got me down. The one babe died and the one that wasn't right I made the call to end it's life so it wouldn't suffer forever. It killed me but I know it was the right decision. My roosters have gone completely nuts and I have to keep one seperated in a pen so there isn't blood shed every day. I also miscalculated my goats due date by a month!!! Who does that? She's showing signs that it's close though ☺ I am now waiting on the Marans to hatch. I have cried for a few days about these eggs. They are four days late :( I know my temps were low on the incubator for about the first 10 days they were in. That's what caused the eggs that were in there to be delayed and the problems with the two chicks. Anyways, I didn't let the eggs settle very long after I received them. Maybe six hours instead of the minimum of 12 that people recommend. I feel like I've screwed up again. I stayed up until almost 1am this morning googling late hatches and have decided to wait before I call it quits. I had to take out two stinky eggs, only one had a partially formed baby in it the other one was all yolk. Then today I candled them again and took out two more that were just yolk. Patience is not one of my virtues, but I will wait until I know they aren't going to hatch FOR SURE before turning off the incubator. Since I've been sad I did what most women do and went shopping, not for clothes but for chickens! I was looking for Marans but found none, so I bought 3 brown Leghorn pullets, 2 giant Cochins, and two black Silkies. Chicken count 30!!!!!


  1. I am so sorry about the baby chicks. I hope the remaining eggs finally hatch for you.

  2. Aw, I'm so sorry. I hate it when things don't work out as planned, but it's really rough when it involves something that is living. ((hugs))

    1. Thanks :) I know they are just eggs but there is life inside them and I dont want to mess them up. But I believe in fate so whatever happens I will deal with it.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Kelly,

    It's hard when things don't work out. Don't get upset, don't take it personal, there was something else causing the eggs not to hatch. We all love those little chicks, they're so adorable and in time, you'll have baby chicks from eggs. Sending hugs your way Sweetie.

    1. Your right Sandy I have many blessings right now. I have just been anxious with this hatch. I also have two broody hens sitting on eggs. I may end up with more than I bargained for!

  4. Sorry, to hear bout the chicks...I'd be down too. I wish that I could say something to make it all better, but it's just the learning curve. Hopefully when I reach your level, you'll have some great advice for me. Keep right on prepping, you're doing great!

    1. Thanks K. Its frustrating since my first two hatches were 100% hatch rates. The last hatch I got four healthy chicks from 7 eggs. Just nothing from the Maran eggs yet.

  5. I'm sorry I am going through something similar here and I empathize. On the upside you will just love those silkies! Miss Harriet is my favorite chicken, they like to visit with people. Harriet will chat quietly with you when you pick her up! :)

    1. It makes you feel horrible when the hatch doesn't go right :(
      I can't wait to watch the silkies grow up, they are already soo cute and their chirping is adorable ☺

  6. I know it doesn't help right now, but don't worry, there will be more hatches (and more, and more) for you to make up for this one. And each time you do is more life that you've brought into the world that would not have happened had you NOT tried again.

    1. I know, I just feel horrible! Kristin went through alot of trouble to send them to me and thanks to my themometer or whatever is wrong it was all for nothing :( I do have two broody hens sitting on eggs right now so I'm sure I'll be overflowing with chicks in a couple of weeks!

  7. I feel terrible that the hatch didn't work out. One of my little silkies hatched out 3/3 Marans last month. Sometimes I wonder what the USPS does to shipped eggs. I ordered silkie eggs last year and not one of them hatched.

    1. I felt horrible and didn't want to disappoint you!!!! You packed them so well and took so much time. I had even got out a map and was going to name them after cities in Georgia. I just opened another one and it was all yolk. I think something happened early on. I did have one cheeping a few days ago but silent since. I don't want to open that egg :( I'm giving it another day or two, you never know.
      I have two broody's right now, I can't wait to see how that turns out. I have never had a natural hatch ☺

  8. I am so sorry that this didn't work out for you...I have never tried to hatch in an incubator, always have done it under a hen or bought my birds...seems that may be the best options for me after reading of your woes...I know is must be heart breaking...

    On the roosters, I honestly think it is because they are vying for the hens...after all if is broody season and hens are are their 'peak'...we also put our roosters back together, I didn't want to kill the black australorpe he is such a pretty birds, but appears it may be inevitable...or I will have to pen him with some hens and my white leghorn with some hens...Such is farm life.

    1. My first two hatches last September were perfect! 100% hatch rate, no issues with the chicks and right on time. I needed a new themometer and didn't get one for this hatch. Low temps made the hatch delayed and makes the chicks have some issues. I have two broodys right now, can't wait to see how that turns out! I wish they were broody when I got the Maran eggs:/

      I'm going to keep my roosters seperate and try to sell one with maybe a couple of hens. They look pretty bad from their death match the other day, so it will be interesting if one sells!

  9. Wow! 30 now?! The brown leghorns are awesome!!! A little skittish, but you'll get an egg a day from those girls. Sorry to hear about the eggs and roosters. I had a similar situation with two of my roosters. Looks like my third, who is beginning to mature more now, might have to take the long walk as well. There is just no call for having constant fighting amongst themselves or attacking of people. Hope you enjoy your new girls!!!
