Saturday, June 14, 2014

Sexy time

It seems roosters aren't the only one's that get extra loving at dusk. Since I didn't have the kids last night and I was in no hurry to cook dinner, I went to the garden to battle the squash bugs. Killed 10 real quick. The funny thing was they were paired up/mating. So if you have a squash bug problem, forget supper (or have it real early or real late) and get out there about 7 and getcha two squash bugs in one whack ;))))


  1. Poor little bugs ruining their honeymoon like that! Glad you had a kid free evening, I know how that feels!

  2. Well, you caught our attention with your blog post title, for sure. And then the very beginning of your writing sounded as if it might lead to something interesting since we all knew you were kid-free last night. But, alas and alack, it was just another typical evening on the homestead . . . smooshing destructive insects! ;o)

  3. Lol, just like Mama Pea, you had me fooled. Hope you enjoyed your kid-free bug squashing!

  4. Ahahaha!!! Hope you didn't spend the whole night killing bugs ;)

  5. Did ya at least sing Bow Chica Bow wow before squishing them?

  6. Do you get more paired up if you blast Barry Manilow for 20 minutes before you go outside??? :)

  7. Getting two bugs at once sounds like the way to go.
